Only recently did I become someone who loves the weekend. Every job I’ve had required at least one weekend day every week. When Friday rolled around, I always HATED hearing people getting excited about their upcoming days off. Now, I am unapologetically one of those people.Two days is not nearly enough time for me to […]
Despite my love of watching Netflix in bed all day, I’m actually a pretty motivated person. At least, when I sit in bed all day, I feel bad about it because I know theres a thousand other things I should be doing. When I set my mind on something, I tend to go for it […]
Here is a fun video I made yesterday of my horse Twizzler. Clearly I’m better at photography than videography, but it makes me happy nonetheless!
I am just starting out running my small business. Although I’ve been a photographer for over seven years, I just recently realized THIS is what I want to do for a living. I’m young, just a few months away from 21, but I’ve already realized that I don’t want to spend my entire life building a […]
To continue my #throwbackthursday series, here are some of my favorite wedding photos from the past couple years. I absolutely LOVE photographing weddings. Being trusted with documenting one of the most important days of someone’s life means the world to me and it’s so much fun to see all that goes on throughout the day. […]
I’m not sure what it is, but I just have a feeling that 2016 is going to be a GREAT year. This past year has had its fair share of ups and downs, but I am determined to make the next year one to remember. I know, every December 31st people say the same thing. […]
Christmas is right around the corner! If anyone is in need of inspiration, this list is perfect for any horse people in your life.
For this post, I’m going to be sharing some tips and tricks how to get the most out of your equine portrait session. Later on I’ll be doing a post on what to wear for YOU, but right now this post is all about your horse’s “outfit”!
I saw the idea for this while browsing Pinterest and loved it! I’m all about getting to know you guys, and vice versa. Here are 50 things that make me happy! 1. Taking an AWESOME picture 2. Puppies, especially Bo Barkham 3. Laughing really hard 4. Spending time with my best friends 5. I Love Lemon […]
Throwback Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week. I love seeing how far people have come, and this week I thought I would share some of my old photos. This week I am focusing specifically on equine photography, but I will be doing more of these on other subjects soon! Enjoy!2009