
January 22, 2018

A Photographer’s Guide to Getting Dressed

Yes, you read that title right…
We all wake up and put our pants on one leg at a time, but do you know how to dress to make your photographer love you? The truth is, a great photographer can make any outfit work in an image. You could even show up in a chicken suit and walk away with good photos, but please don’t. But with that being said, here are 5 ways to dress like a dream client.

1. Stay away from bold colors
Okay, take this one with a grain of salt. Certain bold colors have their place and can really make an image what it is! I recommend avoiding NEON colors, like lime green, bright orange, etc. The focus should be on you, not your clothing.

2. Compliment, don’t compete
Just like in your relationship, your outfits should compliment each other, not compete. Choose colors that work well together and avoid anything that makes you look like twinsies.

3. Be yourself
It sounds super cheesy, but guess what? It’s totally true. If you hate wearing dresses, don’t. If you love fun prints, go for it. Don’t try to look like something you aren’t just because it’s what you feel is expected from you. Also this is good advice to take for life in general.

4. Comfort is key
Comfort and confidence go hand in hand. I don’t recommend showing up in sweatpants and your favorite oversized ratty t-shirt from high school, but do make sure that you feel comfortable in the outfit you select. If you have a part of you that you may feel self conscious about, avoid clothes that draw attention to that area. This will allow you to let go and enjoy the experience of your session!

5. Variety is the spice of photos
Once you are dressed in your beautiful outfits that make you feel totally comfortable and more like yourself than you ever have before…or at the very least, have put clothes on…I recommend finding some accessories to go along with what you’re wearing. Scarves, hats and jackets are all examples of things that you can quickly throw on and off but can create huge variety in your final gallery!

If you are in need of any additional inspiration, I am just going to leave you with this…

Ready to dress up and have your picture taken?

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